Ben's Landscaping

Colour your garden with natives-top 10 white flowers




photo of Clematis sp

If you are looking for some beautiful whites in the garden then these tough plants won’t disappoint. They are all used to growing in exposed environments that get hot and dry. Some of these species such Agonis flexuosa have an amazing ability to grow over a wide geographical range and soil types. Here are my top 10 White flowering plants to grow in WA:

1.    Grevillea crithmifolia ( Proteaceae ) (small shrub/ground cover) (sand) 
2.    Grevillea vestita ( Proteaceae ) (small/medium shrub)(sand) 
3.    Hypocallyma angustifolia (Myrtaceae) (White Myrtle) (small shrub) (adaptable) 
4.    Ricinocarpus sp ( Euphorbiaceae ) (Wedding bush) (med shrub) (hedge) (sand) 
5.    Agonis flexuosa (Myrtaceae) (Peppermint) (small/med tree) (hedge) (adaptable)
6.    Alyxia buxifolia (Apocynaceae) (Dysentry bush) (small shrub) (hedge) (coastal) 
7.    Scholtzia involucrata (Myrtaceae) (Spiked Sholtzia) (small shrub) (sand) 
8.    Leucopogon parviflorus (Ericaceae) (Coastal Beard Heath) (small shrub) (coastal) 
9.    Westringia dampierii (Lamiaceae) (small shrubs)(coastal) 
10.  Hake trifurcata (Proteacea) (two leafed Hakea) (medium shrub) (sand) 

If you are after tough hedging plants then go no further than Ricinocarpus spAgonis flexuosa and Alyxia buxifolia. All of these plants will provide a waterwise and tough hedge however if hedging I recommend that they are on reticulation and given a slow release so they can recover well when conditions are really harsh. 

If you are after a native indigenous snack food then Leucopogon parviflorus is a great plant with fruits that are sweet and tasty. They naturally grow along the WA coastline except non indigenous people aren’t allowed to sample bushfoods in the wild. 

For a beautiful and reliable tree then Agonis Flexuosa is a good choice. It grows over a very wide range of conditions across WA and is quite often used as a street tree across the Perth metropolitan area. 

Grevillea vestita, Hypocallyma angustifolia, Grevillea crithmifolia are extremely tough and waterwise shrubs that are fast growing and have nice flowers. They also take some shade. 

To find these beautiful WA plants please visit Zanthorrea and Australian Native Nursery. 

Give us a call and we can create not only a beautiful landscape but an ecosystem for you to enjoy. 

1000 667 Ben's Landscaping
0483 942 292