Ben's Landscaping

Colour your garden with natives – top 10 yellow flowers


There is an abundance of yellow flowered plants across many plant families and genera in Western Australia. Many are insect attracting and some are bird attracting or both. There are many to choose from for any area of the garden. Here are my top 10 favourite yellow flowered plants. 

1.    Anizoganthos flavidus (Haemorodoraceae) (Tall Kangaroo paw) (tough)(sands)(retic)
2.     Conostylis candicans (Haemorodoraceae) (Grey Cottonheads) (tough)(coastal) 
3.    Eucalyptus kruseana (Myrtaceae) (Book leaf Euc) (coastal) 
4.    Eucalyptus erthrocorys (Myrtaceae) (Yellow capped Euc) (coastal) 
5.    Acacia lasiocarpa (Fabaceae) (Dune moses) (coastal) 
6.    Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Asteraceae) (Yellow buttons) (retic)
7.    Hibbertia grossularfolia (Dilleniaceae) (Gooseberry leaf hibbertia) (shade)(retic)
8.    Hibbertia cuneiformis (Dilleniaceae) (Cut leaf hibbertia) (coastal)
9.    Verticorida nitens (Myrtaceae)(tough) (sand) (summer flower)
10.    Podolepis sp (Asteraceae)(annual)(seed) 

Amongst the yellow flowered WA plants there are many very tough members, and some can thrive on no retic once established as they can grow in harsh coastal conditions. If you need small trees, then a great landscaping plant is Eucalyptus kruseana – Book leaf euc and this can be pruned to grow shrub like and be a nice screening shrub. Eucalyptus erthrocorys is a nice small tree used allot by councils across Perth and can take coastal soils. Plants that naturally grow in Perths sand dunes include Conostylis candicans (Grey cottonheads) and Acacia lasiocarpa (dune moses) so these thrive in any coastal garden and any other sandy garden in Perth. Another option is Hibbertia cuneiformis (Cut leaf hibbertia) for tough coastal conditions. 

Plants that will thrive on a retic system or with generous summer hand watering include Anizoganthos flavidus (Tall Kangaroo paw) and Hibbertia grossularfolia (Gooseberry leaf Hibbertia). They will struggle without additional water and will not thrive. Gooseberry Hibbertia also grows better in shade as can be seen in Kings Park. 

Verticordia nitens is a beautiful yellow flowering plant that will be flowering around Christmas time and beyond it really lights up the garden when allot of plants have finished flowering. 

Plants that fit a wide range of Landscape designs include Anizoganthos flavidus(Tall Kangaroo paw), Conostylis candicans(Grey cottonheads), Eucalyptus kruseana(Book leaf Eucalyptus), Chrysocephalum apiculatum(Yellow buttons), Hibbertia grossularfolia(Gooseberry leaf Hibbertia) and Podolepis sp. Podolepis sp needs to be sourced online from Nindethana seed company and can be mailed to your house. There is a tonne of brilliant annual native flowers available for a massive range of colour that cannot be purchased in nurseries in Perth. 

Please visit Australian Native Nursery and Zanthorrea and check out Nindenthana seeds online to unlock a beautiful garden.

For help creating your very own oasis please contact us for a consult and design session. 

1000 667 Ben's Landscaping
0483 942 292