Photo of Thysanotus sp.(Fringe lily)
There are a few purple flowered WA native plants available in nurseries that can grow well in your garden. Some are visually striking and will be a feature plant in your garden such as the Native Hibiscus with large purple flowers and attractive foliage. Here are my suggestions:
1. Alogyne heugeli (Native hibiscus) (Medium shrub) (Adaptable)
2. Dianella brevicaulis (Hemerocaliadaceae) (clumping ground cover) (tough)(Adaptable)
3. Dianella revoluta (Hemerocaliadaceae) (clumping ground cover) (tough)(Adaptable)
4. Patersonia occidentalis (Iridaceae) (clumping ground cover) (Adaptable)
5. Mirbelia dilata (Fabaceae) (small/medium shrub) (tough)(Adaptable)
6. Gompholobium scabrum (Fabaceae) (small shrub) (shade) (sand)
All these plants will take some shade, and some will grow better in light shade such as Gompholobium scabrum. It is a striking plant when in flower.
If you are looking for a nice border plant, then Dianella revoluta is a famous plant for this however Dianella brevicaulis is an exceptionally reliable alternative with a slightly different appearance both have purple flowers followed by purple berries. You could use Patersonia occidentalis however I would not as in my opinion it is not tough enough and reliable enough for a border plant.
Mirbelia dialata has interesting holy like leaves and attractive flowers. It naturally grows in the Perth hills, but I have grown it on the Swan Coastal plain before.
Please visit APACE, Zanthorrea and Australian Native Nursery to find these beautiful plants.
Give us a call if you want a beautiful native landscape.