Western Australia’s has a wildflower season which is predominately during the cooler and rainy months from May to September where many plants are flowering at once in particular herbs, annuals, small/medium/large shrubs, ground covers and some trees are all in flower. Many Western Australian trees actually flower in summer such as the well-known tree – Marri – Corymbia calophylla which produces those honkey nuts that some many older people tell me they threw at their siblings as kids. In actual fact there is something that is in flower every month of the year that is suitable for your garden. The below plant list gives you colour every month of the year!!!
Mint family – Lamiaceae
(Mauve or white)
Snake Bush – Hemiandra pungens is a spreading groundcover that is extremely waterwise once established. It has mauve or white flowers which are insect attracting and are a great way to encourage Blue banded bees to visit your property.
Eucalypt family – Myrtaceae
Regelia ciliata is my favourite shrub for hedging and topiary as once establish this shrub can be pruned to any size and shape and is extremely waterwise. It has beautiful foliage and forms a compact shape. The flowers are just a bonus and it looks very nice all year and can fit any garden design. Shh don’t tell landscapers and landscape designers