I have plenty of pinks throughout my garden and my favourite plant for having pink en masse throughout the garden is Thryptomene species. These small compact shrubs are covered in a mass of small pink flowers. There are a wide range of pink flowers for most areas of the garden. Here are my top 10 WA pink flowering plants.
1. Regelia ciliata (Myrtaceae) (tough) (small shrub) (most soils) (summer flowering) (most soils)
2. Guichenotia ledifolia (Malvaceae)(tough) (small shrub) (shade) (sand)
3. Guichenotia macrantha (Malvaceae)(tough) (small shrub) (sand)
4. Thryptomene denticulata (Myrtaceae) (sand) (small shrub)
5. Thryptomene saxicola (Myrtaceae) (sand) (small shrub)
6. Hemiandra pungens (Lamiaceae) (tough) (spreading ground cover) (summer flowering) (sand)
7. Pimilea ferruginea (Thymelaeceae) (sand) (small shrub)
8. Boronia crenulata (Rutaceae) (sand) (small shrub) (shade)(pots)
9. Hypocallyma robustrum (Myrtaceae) (sand) (small shrub) (shade)
10. Rhodanthe chlorocephala (Asteraceae) (sand)(annual)
To add some pink summer colour to your garden look no further than Regelia ciliata and Hemiandra pungens. Regelia ciliata is probably one of the most under rated plants in WA as it is mostly unknown to the landscape industry however it makes an amazing hedge/topiary, flowers in summer and is extremely waterwise once established. Hemiandra pungens creates a green carpet although its spikey so do not plant too close to paths or areas that you walk past. It has insect attracting flowers and is a favourite of the blue banded bee. Allot of plants in the Lamiaceae family are fantastic at attracting beneficial insects, rosemary, mint, westringia and sage are all in the same family.
For plants that thrive in shade then Regelia ciliata, Guichenotia ledifolia, Boronia crenulata and Hypocallyma robustrum are fantastic. Guichenotia has beautiful bell-shaped mauve/pink flowers and is really waterwise once established. Both Boronia crenulata and Hypocallyma robustrum are scented and can be added to a sensory garden.
Thryptomene sp. are a great plant to plant en mass and give your garden some structure and can create a sea of pink throughout a large garden. This creates a large impact if strategically spaced.
The most used pink flowered plant from list in the landscape industry is Pimilea ferruginea. I find this plant to be ok but I don’t use it much anymore as it can die after just a few years so you really need to plant more than you want so you have enough if you lose any.
Home gardeners love the Pink everlasting and this creates allot of colour after the rains set in. You can buy seed readily from many nurseries or order online from Nindethana.
Please visit Zanthorrea and Australian native nursery to find these beautiful plants.
Give us a call to help create your native oasis.